Monday, January 27, 2014

You betta work Bitch!

Today I am bringing you a post with a great song for a workout playlist. I will be adding more songs and such.

Today's song is : Work Bitch

It has a great beat. My favorite thing that makes it a great workout song is the lyric " You want a hot body, look hot in a betta WORK BITCH."  Isn't that what we all want?

Happy Listsening!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

New year, New me?


It is now 2014! Are you wondering whether I am new and improved? Well...... the answer is NO!

I am still not at my goal weight yet. I actually weigh more. I stopped exercising for four months and gained all the weight back and then some. I got lazy. No excuses just truth. I bet you are wondering how in the hell can I motivate people to be better if I'm not? That's a GREAT question. When I made this blog it was to not only motivate you but to motivate me. I was hoping to find people who struggled like I do so we could motivate each other. I didn't put myself out there like I should of. I am a timid and shy person.

I am back to exercising but not everyday maybe twice a week, I will be back on my schedule Monday though. Usually when  say this I binge eat throughout the weekend. This time I will not do that. That's going to be different which I hope sets the stage for a better regimen and mindset this time around.

I will also be more active on this page. I will put up some videos, pics, and motivation for you and for me.

So here is to a new you and new me!!