Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last Week of Focus T25 Month 1

Hey guys,

Here I am with only 2 workouts left of the first month of Focus T25. I have lost a total of 3 lbs. I know that is not a lot at all. I am very disappointed. I am disappointed  in the progress I've made. I've done Insanity and Insanity Asylum and this is just not doing it for me.  I hope month 2 is way harder. I sound crazy don't I? I am proud that I have stuck it out. I need to give all credit to the challenge group I am a part of. We have to take a picture of yourself once you are done with your workout EVERY day.  That holds you accountable. You could easily fake a picture but I would hate the feeling of cheating and guilt. I still need to work on portions and saying NO to junk food. I am doing better on both but it's still a challenge. We all have our faults.

This once skinny girl who got fat is determined to be skinny again. If it takes me 3 yrs or 100 I will keep on trucking.

Until Next time........

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another week, Another Pound

Hello guys,

How are you? All is well on my end. As I stated in my last blog post I would be starting Focus T25 and I have. I am on my third week. I am really liking it. It's only 25 minutes a day and that's really no time at all. If you have done Insanity Pure cardio it's kinda like that.

I've lost 4lbs so far which I wish was more but 'slow and steady wins the race' right? I can tell a big difference in my arms and waist, I've lost a couple inches. When I started I also started with Shakeology(chocolate) which I REALLY like. I really wasn't sure if I was going to like it but it turns out every morning I can't wait to have my shake it literally is a SERIOUS craving for me. Which I'd rather crave that then junk food.

I am going to try to incorporate another workout in with T25. I will update you with how that goes.....

Here are some recent pics of me. I can tell a difference in my face!!

Next week I am going to do a video update and body pics!!

That will be a big step for me, but I feel OK with that.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lifestyles, Life Change

Hey everyone!

It has been a little while since I've updated you. I've been busy and my other lap top has crashed. So I am using an old MacBook from 2009. It's better than nothing but I've always been a Windows person so this a change I am still trying to get use to. I have a webcam but still have no idea on how to use it.

This week I've started Shaun T's new workout program, Focus T25. It's a workout program that is ONLY 25 minutes. So I've been getting up at 5 am and I am done by 5:36. I bought it as a challenge pack so I got Shakeology with it. I got the chocolate one. It's only the second day but I can definitely tell a difference. My appetite is like not even there. Yesterday I put bananas in my shake and I didn't like that at all. It tasted so thick and chalky. Today I just put more ice and just the powder and it was SOOO good. I had to force myself to drink it all though bc I was full before I was even done. I think if it works like it says it does I will continue to use it.

I still haven't reached my goal but that's my fault. I stopped working out and started eating more junk. So I gained back that 5lbs I had lost. I got bored with my Insanity and Insanity Asylum(I don't what my deal is.) With this challenge pack I have joined a challenge group with people completing the workout program with me, so I am hoping this keeps me accountable and motivated.

Here's to hoping my life style is a life change.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A little closer to my goal

As you can see by my title that I am a little closer to my weight loss goal. I have lost 5lbs since the last time I have updated you last.

The reason? I had 4 of my wisdom teeth removed and coudln't chew. I can barely chew now so I foresee me keeping this weight off. I haven't exercised in almost 2 wks bc I wanted to give my gums time to heal properly. Next Monday I will be back on track.

How have your goals been coming a long? I hope they are coming al ong just fine.

Until next time!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Another week down 2 more to go

Hello everyone!

After tomorrow I will be done with Insanity Asylum week 2 then Sunday I will start week 3.

It's been very hard and trying but I love the exercises. I love it because it challenges  me and I never have time to be bored. That's always a problem..... I get bored quickly. Now I need to start eating better to see better results. I am eating OK but I need to eat cleaner. I've lost a little weight and getting toned but I could be doing better, I'm the only one holding myself back.

Doesn't it seem like every post I keep saying I need to do better with eating? It's such a challenge. It's so hard to admit and realize that I do have an addiction to food. I heard this one quote that has stuck with me " Never tell yourself you can't have that food tell yourself I CAN have that food but I DON'T want that food."

That's a good one, huh? Well, I hope to accomplish better eating this week. Baby steps, baby steps..... I must remind myself constantly that I am not perfect.

Until next time!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hello Insanity Asylum

Hey guys!

It's been about 2 wks now since I last updated here I am. I now have started Insanity Asylum.
Today was Day 1. It was so hard but good at the same. I'm very excited for this journey.

Check out my video for more details.

Until next time! Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Will it ever end?

Hey guys,

Just another update.

Today I decided to step away from social media. I have made a promise to myself that I will not get on Facebook and Twitter. I am not leaving forever but I do need a break. I need to get my mind right if I really want to love myself and succeed on my weight loss journey. I am so deep in self hate for myself that I can't go a day without wishing I had someone else's body. Do any of you feel this way?
It consumes my mind at every corner. It makes everyday tasks a little harder. For example I could be cleaning and I bend over and I can think is "I wish I had a flat stomach." This kinda of thinking brings out negativity in me. When I go on Facebook and see others and what they are doing in their lives when they something that aggravates me it irritates me ten fold, so this is why I am forcing myself to stay away.

I did good all week except last night and today but I don't feel as bad but I do feel disgusting. I pray in time that things like this will not make feel that way. I can feel everywhere but my body that I am losing a little weight. A little is better than none and I hope I can learn to accept that I won't lose all of it in one day. That's why they call it weight loss journey and not weight loss day, right?

I will still stay on my blog and Pinterest and do some Youtube updates but only bc I need an outlet and I feel like this is helping me. It's like my diary......

Until Next time,


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Get back on track!

Hello guys! How have you been? I've been Ok. I can't really complain. I had a nice holiday season. It was nice but like many, I happy to be back to my regular routine.

If you are like me you used this excuse to get off track " Oh hell it's the holidays I will get back to it afterwards." Does that sound familiar? Well for me it does. I was going to go back on Herbalife next week but I already gained back all my weight that I had lost on it, so something lit a fire in me to start again TODAY!!! 

I've had my first shake today. I mixed it with bananas and ice and it was actually pretty tasty. I took all my vitamins today. And now I am drinking the tea. IDK if the shake gave me energy or I am just on a high but I've already did all my household duties, besides making dinner, and I was finished by 8am! Whoa! If everyday was like this I would be in HEAVEN!

How has your weight loss been going? I would really like to here about it.

Until next time!
