Thursday, January 3, 2013

Get back on track!

Hello guys! How have you been? I've been Ok. I can't really complain. I had a nice holiday season. It was nice but like many, I happy to be back to my regular routine.

If you are like me you used this excuse to get off track " Oh hell it's the holidays I will get back to it afterwards." Does that sound familiar? Well for me it does. I was going to go back on Herbalife next week but I already gained back all my weight that I had lost on it, so something lit a fire in me to start again TODAY!!! 

I've had my first shake today. I mixed it with bananas and ice and it was actually pretty tasty. I took all my vitamins today. And now I am drinking the tea. IDK if the shake gave me energy or I am just on a high but I've already did all my household duties, besides making dinner, and I was finished by 8am! Whoa! If everyday was like this I would be in HEAVEN!

How has your weight loss been going? I would really like to here about it.

Until next time!


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